Un cuplu din Marea Britanie a prins un somn lung de 2,4 metri și care cântărește 68 de kilograme. Cei doi pescari sunt ferm convinși că este cel mai mare pește de acest tip capturat în Marea Britanie, relatează site-ul ziarului britanic The Daily Telegraph. S-au luptat 90 de minute să prindă somnul. „Iad absolut” […]
The text is about a 429 error ("Too Many Requests") you encountered while trying to access a news story about a couple catching a large fish in Essex.
Essentially, the main conceptual idea is that you are being temporarily blocked from the website due to exceeding the allowed number of requests within a short timeframe. The error message doesn't relate to the content of the news story itself.
The text is about a 429 error ("Too Many Requests") you encountered while trying to access a news story about a couple catching a large fish in Essex. Essentially, the main conceptual idea is that you are being temporarily blocked from the website due to exceeding the allowed number of requests within a short timeframe. The error message doesn't relate to the content of the news story itself.